Monday, 24 October 2016

Inspirational And Motivational Keynote Speaker For Women: Helping Women To Break The Conventional Paradigms !

God created man and woman without any discrimination and blessed them with similar efficiencies. But the line of divergence which was drawn between both of them since the development of human civilization still continues even today when we claim to live in 21st century. Still our society adopts biased concept between man and woman.

Whereas the other side of picture is that woman is the only creature of God in this universe which is blessed with ability of managing proper balance between personal and professional life without any discomfort. Although women are sensitive than men, but still they are acquainted with rigidness, strength and determination.

To vouch the effectiveness of women you need not have to go back to your books of history because even at your home you will find your mother, sister, wife, women colleagues accomplishing lots of tasks in much better way than compared to men.

This however does not mean that women power is not recognized by men, of-course with development of society today women are walking head to head with men and even performing better than men in various fields. But, the drawback of our society is that still they are not given the same respect which they deserve to receive, and the worst part of our society is that sometimes the success enjoyed by women is considered as the result of their luck.

On the contrary if a woman decides to achieve anything which is something extraordinary on their own potentials nobody can stop them from reaching their goals. Unfortunately the problem with our society is that despite of vast social developments there are vital social paradigms which stop women from overcoming them.

To get rid of these hurdles it is imperative for women to attain the keynote lectures and motivational sessions delivered and organized by motivational speakers for women. Today our generation is fortunate to have some esteemed inspirational and motivational keynote speaker for women like Farnaz Wallace, who themselves have broken the beaux ideals and emerged as an inspiration for women across the world.

On the basis of her experience Farnaz Wallace has developed a new concept in corporate world named as The New World Marketplace which mainly concentrates on role of women, youth and multicultural factors can play in strengthening the roots of any organization in global economy.

An interesting feature in the keynote lectures delivered by these motivational speakers is that as they themselves have undergone the same problems they are well versed with situations which a woman has to undergo while revolting against any inequity. Revealing their personal experiences these speakers try to evoke the audiences with their candid words and try to boost their confidence.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Motivational Speaker For Women: Making Women Realize Their Hidden Power !


"Women are like tea bags you never how strong they are until they‘re put in hot water ." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

History is witness of the fact that whenever any woman has decided to anything she did not relax until they accomplish the task taken by them. Even in this age flagship of various nations and corporate houses is in hands of women, and interestingly all of them are performing their duties managing balance between their family responsibilities and official responsibilities. 

But surprisingly despite of vast technical developments still there are various nations which suffer from orthodox thought and where despite of being talented women are deprived from working out. Moreover even if any women revolts and breaks the barriers her achievements are either not accepted by male dominating society or considered as secondary achievements.

Interestingly today’s society is blessed with huge fleet of motivational speakers for women who are playing an incredible in role in making the society adapt relevance of women in economical, social and cultural development of world as whole. There are various women in corporate, appointed at the top position in their organization, these women leaders are setting illustrations for other women across the world and make them realize their hidden power.

Apart from them as said above motivational speaker for women are also helping such women in understanding their power with their inspirational and enthusiastic words. The words uttered by these speakers are not only aspiring but aggressive and make the women listeners feel that they are not less from anyone in this world. These motivational speakers understand the dynamic changes that are taking place throughout the world and role women are playing in different fields.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Relevance Of Adopting Cultural Changes For Growth Of An Organization !

In today’s global economy, technology has shifted how people interact, relate and work together.  The pace of the technological advancement is rapidly shifting how we communicate and conduct business across all channels.  But it is not just technology that is changing rapidly.  It is also cultural and demographic changes that are impacting company performances and human relations.  As Farnaz Wallace wrote in her book, The New World Marketplace is where people and technology come together to define a “we” that is fundamentally different in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, archetypes, gender roles and youth mindset.

It is not so much that the world is changing.  The world is always changing.  It’s part of evolution, and a big part of business analysis.  But Farnaz believes that it is the pace and complexity of these changes that are shaking our societies as we see it today.  And the path forward is all about companies and leaders managing the velocity of this transformation.

Farnaz Wallace is an expert Cultural Change and Growth Consultant, who is passionate about helping leaders and companies around the world to understand these rapid cultural and demographic shifts and connect them to their growth strategies and leadership practices.  Now more than ever, leaders and companies must find ways to stay relevant in a world that is pulsing with a culturally diverse makeup of consumers, employees and relationships.  Cultural values are considered the most important values in consumers’ minds.